Increased use of video in deposit dispute cases

video camcorderIt has recently been reported that an increasing number of landlords and property professionals are using video evidence in tenancy deposit dispute cases. According to my|, those involved in the private rented sector are increasingly beginning to see that “clear evidence” is needed if they want to withhold any amount from a deposit.

Video is seen by many as the best way of supplying that evidence. Commenting on the increase in video evidence, Chief Executive of my| Eddie Hooker said: “It is no bad thing that landlords are trying to provide the most detailed evidence they can”.

Our award winning video inventory service acts on several different levels to give landlords the protection they need and complete peace of mind.

Firstly, when the tenant receives a proper professionally produced written document supported by video evidence that clearly shows the state of the property they are immediately put on notice that they will be held to account if they do not look after the property. Anecdotal evidence has shown that tenants look after a property better when they have a video inventory.

When they move out they have a video to refer to so they can see exactly where the furniture needs to be returned to.

If there is any dispute, both parties can refer to the inventory and video to settle any disagreement. Quite simply video doesn’t lie and in every single case that has arisen the matter has been resolved instantly.

We have conducted over 8,000 inventories since starting and not one case involving our inventories has been taken to an adjudicator.

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